Responsible according to § 5 TMG:
Rechtsanwalt Dominik Bildt
Hohenzollernring 57
50672 Köln
VAT identification number DE297473727
Information according to § 2 DL InfoV:
The listed legal professional titles Rechtsanwalt and the specialist attorney titles (Fachanwalt) were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Bar association and responsible supervisory authority:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin
Littenstraße 9
10179 Berlin
Telephone: 030 306 931 0
Fax: 030 306 931 99
Rechtsanwaltskammer Köln
Riehler Straße 30
50668 Köln
Telephone 0221 97 30 10 0
Fax 0221 97 30 10 50
Professional liability insurance
R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG
Raiffeisenplatz 1
65189 Wiesbaden
Professional regulations:
• Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA)
• Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)
• Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG)
• Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Union (CCBE)
• Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)
• Steuerberatergebührenverordnung (StBGebV)
These named laws and regulations are published in the German Federal Law Gazette and on the homepage of the German Federal Bar Association
Responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Dominik Bildt
Friedrichstraße 171
10117 Berlin
Contact us
We are happy to answer your questions. Contact us by email if you would like to know how we can help you or if you have any questions about our offers or services. You can also book an appointment for advice.